Sunday, June 7, 2009

business impact analysis

Business Impact Analysis about analysis of disaster that impact to the BUSINESS.The impact can be financial impact,legal impact,image impact and guality impact.This analysis will explain about the key business process that must be recovered because of disaster and the time to recover the key business.

The coducting business impact analysis has some objectives that must be achieved,as following as:
1. To measure the impact of disaster.
2. To define the business process,business function,department and work area that become critical to the business.
3. To determine application system,data and telecommunication that becomes critical to the business.
4. To define the time to recover the busines.

Every department has different impact of disaster,and also different recovery time.if the business process bas big impact and has short recovery time,this business process must be critical to the business.this business process will be the number priority in BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANNING.